Thursday, May 2, 2013



At this point in life, after hearing countless sermons and books, I want to summarize what I know about faith:

Faith is the most powerful force in the universe.

Faith taps into the ability of God which essentially is (no such word exists).

You cannot touch faith or see faith.

Faith and fear cannot rest on the same plane of thought.

If you have fear, you do not have faith and vice versa.

Faith exists in packets.

You might have faith to do something but no faith (therefore fear) in another thing.

You can't possibly have half a faith.

What I had been trying to do all this while is getting rid of my fears.

In doing so, fill up my life with faith.

Lose all your fears. Start believing.

Say "I'm not afraid of this. I believe in this."

This reminds me of a comic hero Green Lantern. The story its about normal people (and aliens) who had been selected to become space police because of their ability to overcome fear. Their rings allow the users to construct anything from their imagination.

I think faith is like a muscle. You got to work at it.

You got to keep losing your fears and call faith in.

One day, I will have the faith to do anything, heal people, raise the dead.


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