Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Rainbow Effect

What is happiness?

What is happiness to a boy in Africa and to a boy in America?

What does happiness mean to you and your neighbor?

Happiness varies for different people depending on their current state.

Let's divide our life into different levels.

A person at level 1 desires to reach level 10.

To this person level 10 is happiness.

This person slowly progresses through the levels.

When this person reaches level 5, his perception of happiness will no longer be at level 10.

It will be at level 12? Level 15?

I refer to this as the happiness cycle or the rainbow effect.

You see it but you will never reach it.

I think many people perceive happiness like that.

It is a strange thing.


Much of what we know had been shaped by the society, by the world.

If I did not know better, I would think that some super authority is making us think the way we do.

This authority wants us to work towards certain values.

So that we forget the important.

It is like the monkey in the room experiment.

Happiness cannot be defined.

It has no fixed state.

A person who knows a better place, does not consider his current.

Thank God for eternity because that is the eventual end of all things.


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