Tuesday, April 30, 2013

About Ants

I love ants.

Once I caught a queen ant and built an enclosure to house it.

It was built so that the 2 main glass panels of the enclosure was about 3 cm apart.

This allowed you to see the tunnels the ants built.

Some time later I built a better tank to house another colony.

I also caught a queen red ant which makes its dwelling by weaving many leaves together using the silk produced by the pupae of the colony.

And then another ant species which was my favorite.

The workers of this colony moved quickly and did not bite unlike the other colonies I owned.

I allowed the ants of these colony to run free in my room. It was really amazing to watch the ants scavenge for food.

But unfortunately this drew the attention of house lizards which are drawn (undoubtedly) by the pheromones produced by the ants. Plus my mother does not approve of the ants running around (barefooted) in my room.

And so I had to move the enclosure outside house.

Which unfortunately drew more house lizards(which eat the ants, in case you do not know yet) and eventually the colony died out.

So what is this about ants?

The most important member of the colony is the queen.

All the other ants will die for her.


I want to say that ants are like people.

But I realized that one person will not simply die for another person.

Why should they.

But if you were been attacked by something, you would use your hand to defend yourself.

You will not put your head in front of your hand.

Instinctively, your hand reaches out to protect your other body areas.

In a way, an ant colony behaves like a whole person.

And the whole colony grows and sometimes invades other colonies.

Every ant in a colony is an individual organism and yet as a colony they are also a whole organism.

There is a special connection between each ant that allows this to happen.

I know ants produce pheromone, they communicate through their antenna or feelers. They can also see though differently from us.

Ants are fascinating.

This is a diagram of the anatomy of an ant.

God has designed every organ within this ant.

The ant does its tasks autonomously.

It does what the colony (whole organism) requires it to.

Before I arrive at any deduction, I have to say that God has made the ant this way. Just as He made each man and woman to function the way they are.

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